Friday, April 11, 2008

Shooting to edit!

This weeks blog is about my goal as a photographer. One of the hardest things to do as a photographer is shooting to edit. You might wonder what does that actually mean? Well it has taken me alittle while to catch on to shooting to edit. It is when you shoot each shot as you would edit it in your timeline. That way when you get back and your ingesting your video all you have to do is ingest it and send to the sever. I have been practicing this everytime I shoot but it is sometimes hard to do if there is alot of movement going on. I went to a shooting the one day and there was so much going on that I would just see something that looked important point the camera set the focus and hit record. What I should have done is looked around and thought in my mind this shot will go with another shot for a good sequence. I have had people edit my raw footage and sometimes I will really nail my shots and they can just lay the video in with a few changes. Other times they might have to go all the way back to the beginning of the tape to match up a shot that was at the end of the tape. My ultimate goal in shooting is to perfect this art of shooting to edit everytime I go out on a story. This might take me sometime but I think I'm definitly capable of perfecting it.

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