Sunday, January 27, 2008

Flying by the seat of my pants!

This week was a very interesting one for myself. Thursday night I recieved a call from my news director asking me if I could possible come in for work. And of course I said sure what time do you need me in by. I ended up working from 12:30 am to 8 am that morning after being up all day and getting about 2 hours of sleep before I went in. The shift wasn't that bad I drank a bunch of coffee and went out on a story that never happened and edited a bunch of national stories. Then I came in the next day for my regular 3 to a 11 shift. I covered a hockey game and shot some highschool basketball that night. Saturday I shot some more hockey and a few other local stories. Sunday is like my Friday and after the rest of the week it was nice that knowing that I would have time to sleep Monday morning. When I looked at the assingment board it had me down for a LIVE shot at this Fire Vigil. I was shocked to see I was doing a live shot but I knew I would have some help if I needed it. I did the live at 6 but it was alot more than just setting up a camera and standing there. There is a million things that go into a live shot and I quickly found that out. I had some help from my boss John Skolada which was huge. The only real problem we ran into was our IFB earpieces werent working and I was on a cell phone talking to our producer having him tell me when to cue our reporter. I had the cell phone in one hand a camera straped around my shoulder and was pointing the live shot camera at our reporter and her interviewe. While the live shot was going on I would lock down the tripod and camera and try and get shots of the Fire Vigil for Mandy Hackmans PKG. Needless to say I was very happy when the sunday was over with.

1 comment:

Brad Weaver, BC Instructor said...

Whew! I'm tired just reading about your day. You must have been exhausted.