Sunday, February 3, 2008


On Tuesday and Wednesday I had a chance to meet the most inspirational people I have ever met. These extrodinary men and women are blind and go through life just like any one else would. Myself and Paul Wetzel interviewed a married couple that was blind on Tuesday and another blind man who worked at the GoodWill in youngstown. The men worked in a radio news department while the woman worked in another department putting clothes on hangers. It was amazing filming them while they worked because you would have no idea they were blind. The next day Paul and myself headed to Akron to a Vision center to meet another blind woman and a blind def man. It was truly amazing to watch this blind and def man with his interperter. The first thing he said was that he was happy. I then also filmed him working, he put rubber malet's together and he was fast at what he did. He also found his own locker and hung up his coat. After meeting with these amazing people Paul and I were so happy that we had a chance to meet them and interview and also see what they do. They are just like anyone else and can do pretty much everything that you and I can do. These stories I did made me realize why I shouldnt take anything for granted and they truely inspired me to go out and appreciate all the good things of life.

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