Monday, October 22, 2007


Last week we decided to pre-record this show for a few reasons. One was so I could put it on my blog for all of you to view and understand what I do each week. The other reason was so it would be our polished show with hopefully no mistakes. I was a leery about doing the pre-record because I knew that meant I have to get my highlights and graphics done for Wednesday afternoon instead of Thursday night. I also had to call in for an in studio crew to help run a camera, audio, tapes, floor director, teleprompter and the switcher. So I need about six people and I thank everyone that showed up, there were five of us including myself. We started to record the first time and I knew something would go wrong but I wasn’t sure what and of course I screwed up the second tape I forgot to bring it up on the switcher. Round two went better but we didn’t have someone running camera though and David had half his body on the screen so we went to round three and there was no audio for the hound’s highlights. I didn’t realize this till the next day so we had to do it once again. This time it went better and we had audio so I was happy and not so stressed out anymore. All we had to do was sit back and watch the tape during the newscast. There was no worrying about if we would have audio or anything. Here is the show please give some feedback on what the shows strengths and weakness are.

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