Saturday, September 29, 2007


Getting ready for yesterdays Titan Town Sports edition was good, I had pretty much everything done in the morning and felt very confident about the rundown. Last week we decided to put a music bed underneath the highlights for this show. We had WC highlights, hounds highlights and the game of the week. So we put down a bed for it and after the show we try to nit pick anything that we didn’t think flowed. The only thing that we saw wrong was that the music bed was the same and it sounded repetitive by the time we were done with the highlights. So for this weeks show we had different beds to mix it up. About a half hour before the show my anchor asked me to see the tape with the highlights and that scared me. Were in the show and everything looked and sounded great. But then we got to the game of the week and about mid way my anchor got lost and confused on what was happening. All and all the content was good but I guess I failed as a producer because I assumed my anchor new the highlights and that person did not.

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